Select a plan that works for you:

Icon of a home with an electricity symbol
Green Future Choice matches 73% of your electricity use and the other 27% comes from PGE’s renewable commitment.
Icon of a coin with a $ on the visible face
Costs about$5.00
for the avg home* each month
Cost varies based on your actual usage ($0.0094 per kilowatt-hour)
Icon of a home with an electricity symbol
of electricity use for the average home*
Icon of a coin with a $ on the visible face
One block is$1.88
Per month (fixed rate)
Enroll at any number of 200 kilowatt-hour blocks
Change or cancel your enrollment at any time. *Average home uses 784 kWh per month in 2025.

Your participation in any Green Future program:

  • Supports regional renewable resources
  • Helps fund local clean energy projects
  • Reduces your environmental impact